This site is for those who are interested in alternative ideas to the meaning of life. The aim is help you challenging your thoughts and perspections but not alter your beliefs. Entertaining for all types of people regardless of personal interests.

Monday 7 May 2007

Response to:Natalie Watkins (Abortion)

Firstly i would like to say that although you are supporting arbortion to some extent the choice of image was less sensitive to the topic (a embryo in a jar).
Besides that i would like to futher a couple of things that you said in your blog. I'm not sure if this was your idea or that you read it somewhere but i don't think women see aborttion as another form of birth control for two reasons it is a health risk as women tend to loss a lot of blood during the procedure and secondly because it is emotional.
I have very strong views about the whole abortion issue. Yes women have choices, Yes women have rights but women abuse their liberties especially mature women because i am assuming that they're wiser and understand the implications of their action. Younger girls from age 12-16 should have regular sex education on contraception and to stop making sexual intercourse a tabboo in society. Girls are more likely to tell someone close to them that they are pregnant rather than the school councilor because they feel embrarassed.

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