'Smacking' is becoming ever so common in many households as a way of keeping children under manners.
I was smacked as a child and it has not done me any harm, but there is always the question of whether it was necessary?
I have spoke to friends to a lot of my friends about the times that they could remember being smacked for something and from what i have been told it was essential in their upbringing. My friends believed that knowing that there were consequence to their actions made them less likely to get up to mischief because they want to get 'beats' as it was called when i was younger.
I read an article in the Independent were a Politian critical of child disopline in the light of smacking a child. The arguement was that it is hard to distiguish between abuse and the occasional smack on the rest. His main concern was that alot of child abuse has been overlooked becaause the child doesn't appear to be in any discomfort but to a child the illtreatment that they are recieving is 'normal' when it is not. According to the Politian he hope to clamp down on this by making it public.
Children all over the world need our help and support . So think the next time before you raise you hand to a child.
This site is for those who are interested in alternative ideas to the meaning of life. The aim is help you challenging your thoughts and perspections but not alter your beliefs. Entertaining for all types of people regardless of personal interests.
Saturday, 21 April 2007
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Drug Dealers

A Cambodian street child is sniffing glue as part of his routine practice. Poverty, family breakdown and other family problems have deprived these kids the schooling opportunities. They are obliged to roam the Phnom Penh streets day and night for a living and end up joining the Bang Thom or Gang kid groups. Adult drug addicts as well as glue sniffing addicts are estimated at thousands in Cambodia.
Source: Phnom Penh Post, March 10-23, 2006

If you have you ever taken drugs or know any one who has ?
I've never taken hard drugs myself although i have smoke some 'Weed' slang for Marijuana. Now that i have read alot more about the effects of Class A & B drugs not only to the individuals sanity but to their family and friends. Drugs are distructive and can have life threatening affects.
In South London were i live drug users and dealers are very popular in my area and it makes you feel uncomfortable in the evening because they beg . I sometimes feel guilty and give them money knowing that their only going to feed their habbit . Its sad thing that i've had to witness.
I think that they need alot more help from the local authorities such as the NHS and the Police.
If you need to talk to someone or just advice visit the lists below
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Monday, 16 April 2007
Being too Religious

"Thou shall not still, Thou shall not harm thou neighbor”
Theft is against the law even today and so are crimes of physical abuse. Religion is therefore a good form of social cohesion and unity. If you understand religion in this way it will be to be a positive aspect of your life. However have you ever encountered an individual preaching in a public place about how we are all sinners and that we all need to seek the Lord’s guidance so that we can be saved. I'm sure at least once in your life time you have come across those people who feel that there religion is superior to others and if not are people out there who believe that this is so.
Some religions such as Judaism does not permit the integration of people from other
religions because they believe that it is unessescary to mix with people who don't live their life the way they do because it may lead to temtation.
Do think that this type of separation of faiths is expectable or just misund
Consider religious groups such as the Jehovah Witnesses who will go to areas and knock on people’s doors telling them that their way of life is unsanctified and they need to change the error of their ways.

Consider religious groups such as the Jehovah Witnesses who will go to areas and knock on people’s doors telling them that their way of life is unsanctified and they need to change the error of their ways.
Do these types of method of religious fellowship promote unity, well to some extent but the point is the method used by these good are intimidating or isolating. So from this perspective religion is a form of social control. People have boundaries and limitations.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/beliefs/Religion used to be an integrative force today in 2007 we see it separating society. An example of this would the case of Muslim veiling. People now fear what they can’t see. In this case a face. The veil has been accused of adding terrorism. The media aid society’s ignorance of religions and produce a distorted view of the truth. Religion should not be a matter of prefrence but a matter of understanding and exceptance of others.

Please visit this site i find it very settling to read and relates to the topic of religion.
It's just a little White Lie!

Why is that people are so casual about lying?
Lying is something we tend to do unconsciously that is one of the reasons why we do it so often.
An example of this would be when your boss asks you why you are late. Your response tends to be it was the traffic, car problems, lost your keys etc. The common excuse for being late but nether the less these are still lies.
You may ask so why is this such a bad thing?
My response would be that lying in any form or for any reason is bad because you are deceiving the person that you tell the lie to. I will also put it to that lying only makes the issue lied about worst because you have to keep lying in order to make the original lie believable. For some people lying is a bad habit 'compulsive liars'. These are individuals who just can't help but lie it is just something they do. These types of people may lie for pity or praise and even just to entertain people when they have nothing interesting to say.
I personally hate people who lie i have lied before but I make a conscious effort not to. So for all you liars out there grow up and get responsible for your actions.
Lying is something we tend to do unconsciously that is one of the reasons why we do it so often.
An example of this would be when your boss asks you why you are late. Your response tends to be it was the traffic, car problems, lost your keys etc. The common excuse for being late but nether the less these are still lies.
You may ask so why is this such a bad thing?
My response would be that lying in any form or for any reason is bad because you are deceiving the person that you tell the lie to. I will also put it to that lying only makes the issue lied about worst because you have to keep lying in order to make the original lie believable. For some people lying is a bad habit 'compulsive liars'. These are individuals who just can't help but lie it is just something they do. These types of people may lie for pity or praise and even just to entertain people when they have nothing interesting to say.
I personally hate people who lie i have lied before but I make a conscious effort not to. So for all you liars out there grow up and get responsible for your actions.
Sunday, 15 April 2007
Gambling ' A mugs game'
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