This site is for those who are interested in alternative ideas to the meaning of life. The aim is help you challenging your thoughts and perspections but not alter your beliefs. Entertaining for all types of people regardless of personal interests.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Response to: The Truth (Religion) Truth.
The way that you talk about your religion is so meaningful to me. I love to see people who are religious and say that they are religious actually acting on those words.
I have been brought up in a Christian/ Catholic household. When i was younger i was dedicated to my religion and to my extended family but as time has gone i seem to have lossed touch of what it means to be religious and pround.

In my house religion used to be forced on us. I had to go to Bible studies, Junior quiors and religious festivals. I think that now that time has moved on a bit and i have more independence i hsve the freedom to choose whether or not to continue with my practice.
I am on of those people unlike yourself i am an occasional pariscipant in religious practise but i give my thoughts to God all th time i can feel his presence

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