This site is for those who are interested in alternative ideas to the meaning of life. The aim is help you challenging your thoughts and perspections but not alter your beliefs. Entertaining for all types of people regardless of personal interests.

Thursday, 29 March 2007

bad cinema

when you watch a movie or a film on television does it ever accure that it is so predictable?
Bad Cinema is about all those films that have predictablity, poor casting, a boring storyline. These tend to be the things which having you asking for your money back at the end of the film.

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Infidelity is it justified?

When feelings for a partner are fading the intention is to talk and address the issue however in reality we seek others to compensate the pain or suffering in the current relationship.
The idea that the 'Grass looks greener on the other side'.

Monday, 26 March 2007


HIV/AIDS Vaccine Awareness Day Recognized May 18
Thousands of volunteers, researchers involved in vaccine search
Washington – HIV/AIDS activists, volunteers and researchers will be among those recognizing HIV/AIDS Vaccine Awareness Day May 18, an occasion that draws attention to the need for a vaccine to prevent this disease, according to the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), one of the National Institutes of Health.
Significant progress has been made in understanding the virus and its attack on the immune system in the 25 years since the disease first was reported, according to a NIAID press release.
HIV/AIDS Vaccine Awareness Day logo. (NIH photo)

Sunday, 25 March 2007

The 'butt' of the Joke

In my opinion i think smoking is a pointless exercise. I used to smoke occasionally back in my school days but did not pick up the habit. I'm not actually sure why i did not become addicted to smoking but i think it was a combination of things. I HATE the smell, the expense on my pocket money and the fact that i did not enjoy it much. I guess i was just young and nieve and follow the trend. I'm a very big supporter of the smoking ban because smoking causes alot of unnesscary health risks such as lung and heart disease and Bronchitis which cause immense suffering and discomfort. A large proportion of my family smoke and it worries me because i know that the risk of death is greater for them and for me as a passive recipitant of their habbit.

I had lecture on the topic of smoking which explain that from about the (1970's) smoking was more of an elitest which gave the connations of class so in affec smoking bacame classy. The media than ran with this idea and used it to advertise smoking in a glamourous way. You will now find smoking in movies where gangsters or protagonist would light a ciggerett as relief at the end of a dramactic scence that then gave smoking satus. It's cool to smoke. The desirability of smoking has over turned what it now means to socialise with others. Common places to smoke are in bars, resturants, coffee shops and even whilst driving. Every 10 second someone dies from smoke related illness but yet even figures like these don't fase smokers.What i would give to be able to go into a bar or club and leave not smelling of other people smoke. For those who can relate with me the discusting lingering smells that sits in our hair. I asked a friend why she smokes and this was her response:

I don't think there is a cut explaination for the reason why i smoke but what I can say is that I enjoy it. I supose it can be pleasurable at times. I Think what I most enjoy about smoking is how I makes me feel. I feel more calm and relaxed when I am smoking. I wouldn’t say that I am addicted to smoking ciggrettes but I get ancious when I haven’t had one for a while. It’s just a comfort for me really

What i can not understand is that ciggerett boxes are now clearly labelled with health warning an yet people still choose to smoke.
Why would any one want to increase the risk of death? It's CRAZY!
I think that somking is one of those addictions like drugs addiction and alcholism where the implications will not become real untill they are suffering from a life threatening diease or near death themselves.