This site is for those who are interested in alternative ideas to the meaning of life. The aim is help you challenging your thoughts and perspections but not alter your beliefs. Entertaining for all types of people regardless of personal interests.

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Response to: Jay-being-bad.(Prostitution)

I agree that Prostitution is increasingly common in Britain and other parts of the world. I think that Prostitution is badly represented in the media but i don't think it has been accepted in society. There is still a 'dirty' stigma attached to it which does not help those women that you talked about who see it as an easy way to support their family.
I like the way that you have shown both side of the industry and not just been critical of prostitution. I hope that others with less open minded views will see that we such encourage vulnerable women to seek help rather than turning to the streets for help. Women are vulnerable especially when it comes to 'PIMPS', they just want the money and will allow women to be raped and beaten.,11913,1306267,00.html
Fathering your point about legalising Prostitution, like Amsterdam has is a great idea because at least that way the girls would be safe and regularly checked for aids which is a growing risk for Prostitutes who work on the streets.

Monday, 30 April 2007


Refer to this site for an article about the Dominatrix and the Submission

For many people sexual pleasure is fundamental and by any means it should be fulfiled.
The practice of Dominatrix is all about the power relationship between the people involved and accepting the postion given to you.
This type of activity is used to replace the feeling of disintachment with society and other people. Quite often you will find male professionals of large company release stress via this actively and tend to incorporate it into their lifestyle.
Women usually take the role of the Dominatrix and the men tend to be the Submissive. The role reversal exsist because in society the man is seen to be dominate and powerful person within a relationship. This eases the pressure of the common association of macullin male and therefore balances out his emotion.
Please don't get me wrong this activity is commonly associated with the descripton above but more recently couples are opting for this type of pleasure because it is exciting and improves their selfesteem. *more to come.

There has be situations where the act of pleasure means harming one another such as soffication, cutting, burning and rough sex which are all meant to be done as a form of pleasure but result in perminate damage or death. Why do people seek extreme methods for pleasure?
*more to come.

Sunday, 29 April 2007

Ha Ha!! It's not funny. (Comedians)

Comedy strives to get the audiences attention through jokes which are meant to be followed by laughter to show that what was said by the comedian amused you. However some comedians can get this very wrong and are not amusing but are vulgar, sexist, prejudice, racist and exaggerate stereotypes to the point it can be offensive. Not all comedians have to be any of these things but unfortunately a small proportion believe that they do and get it ever so wrong.
I had a lecture on Comedians and the one thing that shocked me was the fact that Comedians don't hold any opinions about the topic that they make jokes about.
How can this be true i thiught to myself, especially when some jokes are racially motivated and not about their own race.
The lecturer also informed us that things that we consider the taboos of society like; burps, sex, being common etc. Are the very reason why jokes are so funny. Things increase the boundaries of our humour because is seen as the 'wrong' thing
I do not find stand up comedians not very amusing but i do enjoy TV shows with comic' in them. I think this adds to the humour because their jokes are in a more realistic situation.
I used to enjoy Absolutely Fabulous , Gimmy Gimmy, and Vicar of Dibley.