A Cambodian street child is sniffing glue as part of his routine practice. Poverty, family breakdown and other family problems have deprived these kids the schooling opportunities. They are obliged to roam the Phnom Penh streets day and night for a living and end up joining the Bang Thom or Gang kid groups. Adult drug addicts as well as glue sniffing addicts are estimated at thousands in Cambodia.
Source: Phnom Penh Post, March 10-23, 2006

If you have you ever taken drugs or know any one who has ?
I've never taken hard drugs myself although i have smoke some 'Weed' slang for Marijuana. Now that i have read alot more about the effects of Class A & B drugs not only to the individuals sanity but to their family and friends. Drugs are distructive and can have life threatening affects.
In South London were i live drug users and dealers are very popular in my area and it makes you feel uncomfortable in the evening because they beg . I sometimes feel guilty and give them money knowing that their only going to feed their habbit . Its sad thing that i've had to witness.
I think that they need alot more help from the local authorities such as the NHS and the Police.
If you need to talk to someone or just advice visit the lists below
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